User's Manual

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TRENDnet User’s Guide
Wireless Security Mode – WEP
Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) is any entry level wireless security method that
we can use to prevent unauthorized wireless access to this AP. WEP is not a
very secure option, but it is better than no wireless security.
WEP Key Length: Select the WEP Key Length value as 64 bit (10 hex digits)
or 128 bit (26 hex digits).
Authentication: Select the WEP authentication option. Options to choose from
are Both and Shared Key.
WEP Key: Enter a wireless security key here. This key must be configured on all
the wireless clients for them to be able to connect to your wireless network.
Wireless Security Mode – WPA-Personal
Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA) is a more advanced wireless security method that
we can use to prevent unauthorized wireless access to this AP. Wi-Fi Protected
Access (WPA2) is the most advanced wireless security method that we can use
to prevent unauthorized wireless access to this AP.
WPA Personal does not require an authentication server.
WPA Mode: Select which WPA mode to use. Options to choose from are Auto
(WPA or WPA2), WPA2 Only, and WPA Only.
Cipher Type: Select the wireless cipher type here. Options to choose from are
TKIP and AES, TKIP, and AES.
Group Key Update Interval: Enter the group key update interval time in
Pre-shared Key
Pre-shared Key: Enter the WPA-Personal wireless Pre-Shared Key. This key
must be configured on all the wireless clients for them to be able to connect to
your wireless network.