
Number of Correction to the
channel loads catalog value in dB
2 0
3 – 2
4 – 3
5 – 4
6 – 5
7 – 5.5
8 – 6
10 – 7
3. Planning and installation instructions
Technical appendix
3.1. Permissible output level for house
amplifiers, multiple band
amplifiers, and postamplifiers
It is always recommended to carry out these calculations on a
Windows PC using:
Triax-Hirschmann Turboplaner III
*) (Order No. 499 999-003)
AND by CDS Germany (
CACAO by PTE-software (
The following explanations can be an additional help for
solving problems and for understanding the underlying
The permissible output level is dependent on:
The required signal-to-noise ratio CTB, CSO
The number of TV channels to be transmitted
The frequency distribution of the channels
The signals of the FM radio band can be treated as a single
TV channel, if their levels are 6-8 dB below the level of the TV
channels. The 1st selection criterion is the number of TV
channels to be transmitted.
3.1.1 Maximum number of TV channels: 10
(MATV systems)
Determine the permissible output level from the technical
data: for IMD2 (60dB 2nd order intermodulation products
acc. to EN 50083-5), for IMR3 (60dB 3rd order
intermodulation products acc. to EN 50083-5)
Reduce the IMR3 value according to the number of
*) This software is only available in deutsch
Level reduction as a
function of the number
of channels loaded
The smaller of the two output levels (with respect to IMD2,
IMR3) is the permissible output level (dB(µV)) for a
signal-to-interference ratio of IMD=60 dB.
3.1.2 More than 10 TV channels
(broadband cable, MATV, CATV)
In order to obtain optimal gain from amplifiers with many chan-
nels loaded, it is necessary to use the permissible output levels
specifically defined for each such case (for a CSO and CTB
ratio of 60 dB) and a channel raster as close as possible to a
defined one.
3.1.3 Approximate calculation for the
permissible output level:
a) Permissible output level dependent on required CSO
and CTB values that are different from catalogue values:
Question: “How high is the permissible output level for a CSO
value D a dB above the catalogue value (CSO = 60 dB)?”
= output level in dB(µV) for CSO = 60 dB (catalogue value)
= output level in dB(µV) for CSO = (60 + D a) dB
= n
- D a
i. e. on an increase in the CSO requirement by D a dB, the
permissible output level is reduced by D a dB.
Question: “How high is the permissible output level for a
CTB value D a dB above the catalogue value (CTB = 60 dB)?”
= output level in dB(µV) for CTB = 60 dB (catalogue value)
= output level in dB(µV) for CTB = (60 + D) dB
= n
- D a/2
i. e. on an increase in the CTB requirement by d a dB, the
permissible output level is reduced by D a/2 dB.
Example figures for HEF 845 with the
CENELEC spacing
= output level in dB(µV) for CSO = 60 dB = 110 dB(µV)
= output level in dB(µV) for CSO = 69 dB = 101 dB(µV)
= output level in dB(µV) for CTB =
60 dB = 110 dB(µV)
= output level in dB(µV) for CTB =
72 db = 104 dB(µV)
In total for CSO = 69 dB and CTB = 72 dB a permissible
output level of 101 dB(µV) is to be observed.
b) Permissible output level for channel loads deviating
from catalogue specifications
The individual Triax operating instructions list the maximum
permissible output level for a signal-to-interference ratio of
60 dB for three different channel spacings:
- up to 450 MHz: 36 TV + 24 FM channels,
- up to 606 MHz: 29 TV channels (“CENELEC raster“)
- up to 862 MHz: 42 TV channels (“CENELEC raster“)
Refer to “Channel spacing” table
These conditions are very critical with respect to the develop-
ment of non-linear distortion (CTB, CSO). For small deviations
of the actual channel spacing from the standard ones, it is not
necessary to reduce the output level shown in the operating
instructions. For larger deviations, the following rules of thumb
can help to obtain a rough approximation for the adjustment:
1. Select the catalog values corresponding to the highest
channel frequency.
2. For a channel pattern with twice the number of channels
specified in the catalog, reduce the output level by
about 3 dB.