User's Manual

Front Panel
The display shows the operating mode of the transponder, the
reported pressure altitude, and the current squawk code and Flight ID.
The reply indicator is active when the transponder replies to
The pressure altitude is displayed as a Flight Level, which is the
pressure altitude in hundreds of feet. When non-standard
atmospheric conditions apply, this may not match the altimeter
indicated altitude, but will be correctly displayed by the ATC radar.
Mode Selector Knob
The left hand knob controls the power to the transponder and the
operating mode.
OFF Power is removed from the transponder.
SBY The transponder is on, but will not reply to any interrogations.
GND The transponder will respond to Mode S ground interrogations
from surface movement radar.
ON The transponder will respond to all interrogations, but altitude
reporting is suppressed.
ALT The transponder will respond to all interrogations.
When airborne, the transponder should always be set to ALT unless
otherwise directed by Air Traffic Control. When you are taxiing on the
ground, the transponder should be set to GND unless your installation