User's Manual

TT21/TT22 Transponder Installation Manual 13 July 2009
00560-00 Issue AF
Trig Avionics Limited Page 11
5. Installation
5.1 Unpacking and Inspecting Equipment
Carefully unpack the transponder and make a visual inspection of the unit for
evidence of any damage incurred during shipment. If the unit is damaged,
notify the shipping company to file a claim for the damage. To justify your
claim, save the original shipping container and all packaging materials.
5.2 Controller Mounting
The TC20 transponder controller must be mounted rigidly in the aircraft panel.
The controller can be mounted in the ultra compact mounting hole or in a
conventional 57mm (2¼ inch) instrument cut-out.
The following installation procedure should be followed, remembering to allow
adequate space for installation of cables and connectors.
Select a position in the panel that is not too close to any high external
heat source. (The TC20 is not a significant heat source itself and
does not need to be kept away from other devices for this reason).
Avoid sharp bends and placing the cables too near to the aircraft
control cables.
If you are using a 57mm instrument cut-out, you must first clip the two
mounting adapters to the transponder. The controller should then be mounted
using the four LONG screws provided.
Note: The mounting adapters are held in place by the clamping
action of the panel installation. As an aid to securing them during
assembly when access is poor, we recommend putting a rubber band
around the adapters and the control head. The rubber band can be
snipped off and discarded when the installation is complete.
If you are using the Trig compact cut-out, you do not need the mounting
adapters. The controller should be mounted using the four SHORT screws