User's Manual

Table Of Contents
3. Enter the Site ID:
Press the Cancel key to return to SURVCONF
Press the Down key until the screen displays
Press the Enter key. SITE ID:??? is displayed. You can
now enter the site ID:
Press the Enter key again
Enter the first of the four characters making up the
Site ID pressing the Up or Down arrow until the
desired character is displayed, then press Enter. Set
the second character using the same Up or Down key,
After defining the last character, press the Enter key
to validate the site ID. The screen displays the
entered site ID (e.g. “SITE ID:0005”)
4. Enter the Hb height measured earlier with the tape (see
7. on page 41):
Press the Up key. The screen displays ANT HT:..
Press the Enter key
Enter the first character of the antenna height meas-
ured previously using the Up or Down key, then press
Enter. Set the second character using the same Up or
Down key, etc.
After defining the last character, press the Enter key
to validate the HI. The screen displays the entered HI
(e.g. “ANT HT:01.5703m”)
5. Set the recording interval:
Press the Cancel key to return to SURVEY:STATIC
Press the Up key until SURVCONF is displayed
Press the Enter key. You can now enter the recording
Down key
Enter key
Cancel key
Up key