User's Manual

Table Of Contents
Bluetooth® Port
This device allows you to communicate with the Z-Max.Net
through a Bluetooth wireless connection. This port is
identified as “port C” on the Z-Max.Net.
Status LEDs
From left to right, the LEDs are:
RTK Solution. This LED is only operational when the
receiver is configured as an RTK rover.
Communication. This LED indicates when real-time
data is transmitted (base) or received (rover).
Data Log. This LED shows the data logging status.
Satellite/Power. After power up, this LED will continue
to blink red once every 1-2 seconds to indicate that the
unit is powered on. Between each red blink, the LED will
also blink green once for each satellite that the receiver is
Color Meaning
Off Not a RTK rover
Blinking green Fixed solution
Blinking orange Float solution
Blinking red No RTK solution
Color Meaning
Off No data link has been configured
Blinking green
Base: Transmits data
Rover: Base data received and used
Blinking red
Base: Irrelevant
Rover: Base data received but not used
Not blinking
Base: No data transmitted
Rover: No base data received
Color Meaning
Off No data logging in progress
Blinking green
Data logging in progress. Blinks at the frequency of the
recording interval setting (20 seconds by default).
Red Unable to log data (memory full)