User's Manual

DGPS Real-Time Configuration
The MobileMapper CE GPS receiver integrates WAAS/EG-
NOS. WAAS is the functionality that the receiver uses by de-
fault. You can also use corrections from an external
correction source, such as MobileMapper Beacon, a belt-
mounted, Bluetooth-enabled beacon receiver connected to
serial port COM1 or via a Bluetooth port (see figure oppo-
For more information on using MobileMapper CE with Mo-
bileMapper Beacon, see page 30.
Beacon Receiver Configuration
You can use Programs>GPS Utili-
ties>DGPS Configuration
to set port and
baud rate for the external beacon
source (see opposite right), and to set
automatic and manual tune modes for
operational versatility.
Status tab (see opposite left) gives
the name (if available), station ID, fre-
quency and MSK rate of the beacon
station that is currently being used. It also displays the signal
strength, the signal-to-noise ratio and the lock status (Yes or
Tune tab (see opposite left) gives you the option of auto-
matically tuning, manually tuning by frequency and MSK
rate or by beacon name. Automatic tuning is set by default.
For the DGPS settings to take effect, tap
OK on the DGPS
Configuration window.
Resetting GPS
Tap Reset GPS in GPS Utilities to clear the GPS receivers
MM CE GS Page 22 Monday, June 20, 2005 11:04 AM