User's Manual

Table Of Contents
The default Position tab shows the latitude, longitude and
altitude of the current position, as computed by the
receiver, as well the number of satellites used and the
current PDOP value.
If SBAS is used, the screen also shows the position
computation mode used and the age of corrections.
In RTK mode, the screen additionally shows the current
position status, the HRMS and VRMS, the baseline length
and, if the receiver has not fixed the position yet, the time
elapsed since power up or since the last time a fixed
position was available.
The unit used to express the current altitude (meters or
feet) depends on the region (language and country) you
selected in Start, Settings, System, Regional Settings.
•The Satellites tab displays a polar diagram showing the
locations in the sky of the tracked satellites. Different
colors are used to display the numbers of the visible
Yellow characters: GPS satellites used
Green characters: GLONASS satellites used
Grey characters:
Grey characters: Visible SBAS satellites. Also rejected
GPS and GLONASS satellites, because unhealthy or
under the elevation mask.
•The Signal tab shows the signal level for each of the
tracked satellites:
Dark blue bars for all GPS and GLONASS satellites
Red bars for all SBAS satellites used
Grey bars for all tracked, but not used, GPS and
GLONASS satellites
GPS satellites are numbered from 1 to 32, GLONASS
satellites from 38 to 61 and SBAS satellites from 120 to
Reset •Open the GNSS Toolbox and tap on Reset. A message then
asks you if you want to reset the receiver now. Use this
option only if you think the receiver is not working