User's Manual

Pacific Crest Corporation ADL Access User Guide – Dealer Version Page 13 of 28
Note: your radio will not be set to this new channel until you click the Program
While all ADL radios can be reconfigured using ADL Access, some models have
user interfaces that allow you to select other channels on the front of the radio
while others can be reconfigured only using ADL Access.
b. Clicking the Import Channels button simply allows you to select any additional
channel table your ADL radio modem by an authorized Pacific Crest dealer may
have created for you. Channel tables are files with the *.frq file extension. If you
did not receive a channel table with your ADL radio, please contact your dealer or
Pacific Crest Customer Support.
NOTE: Government regulations do not allow the standard version of ADL Access
to support the creation of channel tables. You must check with your dealer about
obtaining new channel tables.
c. Bit Rate
The Bit Rate is the rate at which data bits are transmitted or received by the
radio’s modem. The radio must both receive and transmit at the same rate. The
default bit rate for all ADL radios is 9600. To select a different rate, click the
down arrow to the right of the Bit Rate field and click on a different value.
d. Squelch
ADL radios can be optimized for operation in environments with different levels
of signal and noise by selecting different squelch levels. “Signal” is defined here
as the data you want to receive; “noise” is defined as everything else. The
squelch level is an amplitude threshold above which radio transmissions are
passed and below which transmissions are rejected. One hopes the passed
transmissions are signal and the rejected transmissions are noise. However, it is
always possible in a working environment that noise will be greater than the
signal. If so, you will have five choices:
- Switch to another frequency
- Decrease the distance between the transmitter and receiver
- Use a higher powered transmitter
- Use a more sensitive receiver
- Wait for the noise to abate.
Assuming your signal is greater than the ambient noise, it is still advantageous to
set the squelch level as high as possible and thereby remove as much noise as