User's Manual

Advanced GPS Page
Return to Default Settings:
When connected to your unit’s GPS receiver: Tapping the Return to
Default Settings button, the following settings are changed and
applied to your unit’s GPS
Resets NMEA strings to
defaults of:
o GGA – 1 sec
o GSA – 1 sec
o GLL – off
o VTG1 sec
o GSV – 1 sec
o RMC – 1 sec
NOTE: The COM settings are grayed out and cannot be changed until
you disconnect from your unit’s GPS receiver.
When disconnected from your unit’s GPS receiver: Tapping the
Return to Default Settings button, the following settings are changed:
Resets NMEA strings to defaults of:
o GGA – 1 sec
o GSA – 1 sec
o GLL – off
o VTG1 sec
o GSV – 1 sec
o RMC – 1 sec
NMEA message settings (set to default or otherwise) will be sent to
your unit’s GPS receiver and applied the next time you connect to your
unit’s GPS receiver (with output set to NMEA).
If the Microsoft GPS driver is not used, the COM port gets set to
If the Microsoft GPS driver is used, the COM port gets changed
to its assigned program port.
Sets baud rate to 9600
Data bits are set to 8
Flow is set to None
Parity is set to None
Stop bit is set to 1
Since you are not connected to your unit’s GPS receiver, none of the
changes are actually applied to your GPS receiver.