User's Manual

SPSx50 Modular GPS Receiver User Guide 25
Features and Functions 2
Forcing the receiver into Monitor mode
If the receiver will not go into Monitor mode to load new firmware, complete the
following steps:
1. Turn off the receiver.
2. Hold down the button while turning on the receiver.
3. Continue to hold the button as the display shows the countdown timer.
4. Once the display shows
Remote Monitor Active:1, release the button.
The receiver is forced into Monitor mode and you can load the new firmware.
reset the receiver to its
factory defaults and
the default application
30 seconds The display show a countdown timer to power off. When the
display goes blank, continue to hold the Power button. The
display show a countdown to clear the almanac and ephemeris.
When the counter reaches 0, continue to hold the Power
button. The display indicates a countdown to resetting the
receiver. When the counter reaches 0, release the Power
force the receiver to
power down
at least 60
If the method above does not work, use this method to force
the receiver to power down. When the power LED goes off,
release the Power button.
To Hold the Power
button for …