User manual

TMCM-1140 TMCL Firmware V1.19 Manual (Rev. 1.01 / 2012-JUL-27) 83
7.6 Mixing Direct Mode and Standalone Mode
Direct mode and standalone mode can also be mixed. When a TMCL program is being executed in
standalone mode, direct mode commands are also processed (and they do not disturb the flow of the
program running in standalone mode). So, it is also possible to query e.g. the actual position of the motor
in direct mode while a TMCL program is running.
Communication between a program running in standalone mode and a host can be done using the TMCL
user variables. The host can then change the value of a user variable (using a direct mode SGP command)
which is regularly polled by the TMCL program (e.g. in its main loop) and so the TMCL™ program can react
on such changes. Vice versa, a TMCL program can change a user variable that is polled by the host (using
a direct mode GGP command).
A TMCL program can be started by the host using the run command in direct mode. This way, also a set of
TMCL routines can be defined that are called by a host. In this case it is recommended to place JA
commands at the beginning of the TMCL program that jump to the specific routines. This assures that the
entry addresses of the routines will not change even when the TMCL routines are changed (so when
changing the TMCL routines the host program does not have to be changed).
//Jump commands to the TMCL™ routines
Func1: JA Func1Start
Func2: JA Func2Start
Func3: JA Func3Start
Func1Start: MVP ABS, 0, 1000
WAIT POS, 0, 0
MVP ABS, 0, 0
WAIT POS, 0, 0
Func2Start: ROL 0, 500
WAIT TICKS, 0, 100
ROR 0, 1000
WAIT TICKS, 0, 700
This example provides three very simple TMCL routines. They can be called from a host by issuing a run
command with address 0 to call the first function, or a run command with address 1 to call the second
function, or a run command with address 2 to call the third function. You can see the addresses of the
TMCL labels (that are needed for the run commands) by using the Generate symbol file function of the
Please refer to the TMCL-IDE User Manual for further information about the TMCL-IDE.