User Manual

Firmware Manual Firmware Version V1.07 | Document Revision V1.05 2017-OCT-10
70 / 103
Instruction Description Type Value
135 get application status Return information
about the current
status, depending on
the type eld.
0 - return mode,
wait ag, memory
1 - return mode,
wait ag, program
2 - return
3 - return X
0 (dont care)
136 get rmware version Return rmware
version in string
format (special reply)
or binary format).
0 - string format
1 - binary format
0 (dont care)
137 restore factory settings Reset all settings in
the EEPROM to their
factory defaults.
This command does
not send a reply.
0 (dont care) set to 1234
255 software reset Restart the CPU of
the module (like a
power cycle).
The reply of this
command might not
always get through.
0 (dont care) set to 1234
Table 12: TMCL Control Commands
Especially the commands 128, 129, 131, 136 and 255 are interesting for use in custom host applications.
The other control commands are mainly being used by the TMCL-IDE.
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