User's Manual

Page 37
M Series Data Radio – User Manual
© Copyright 2004 Trio DataCom Pty. Ltd.
Part F – Commissioning
Check DC power connector for correct voltage (10-16VDC) and
polarity, BEFORE plugging in the power connector.
Upon power up, the radio will self test and shortly after the green
power LED will be displayed.
Failure of the power LED to light indicates no power, or failure of the
fuse due to incorrect polarity or over-voltage.
Other failure such as fatal internal errors will initiate error modes as
detailed in Part E - Getting Started: LED Indicators and Test Outputs.
LED Indicators
Will depend on the system architecture. If the device is a remote site
receiving a base station with a constant carrier, then the RXSIG/
SYNC LED should be green to indicate healthy reception of the
wanted signal.
In other types of systems, TX and RX bursts would be indicated by
the RX or TX LED’s as above.
Data flow to and from the Port A is indicated by the TXD/RXD LED.
(See Part E – Getting Started: LED Indicators and Test Outputs.)
Data Transfer Indications
Bi-colour LEDs are provided to indicate RS232 data being transmitted
and received on Port A. A RED flash indicates a byte (or bytes) of
incoming data from the serial line which will be transmitted to air, and a
green flash indicates a byte of data received “off air” being released
onto the serial line.
If data is being sent to the radio modem and the Data LED does not
flash RED, this may indicate a wiring or configuration problem. Check
that the TX and RX data lines are correctly wired (see Part E – Getting
Started: LED Indicators and Test Outputs).
Also check that character set and parity settings (i.e. N,8,1 etc) are set
identically at the terminal and the radio modem. Note that some
incorrect settings of the character set parameter can still produce
transmittable data, even though the data will not be understood by the
Antenna Alignment and RSSI
Once the RXSIG LED is lit, it is possible to confirm RX signal strength
and align a directional antenna by monitoring the RSSI output.
This DC voltage appears at Pin 9 of Port A.
A ground reference can be obtained from chassis ground or Pin 5 of
the user Port.
The chart below shows Pin 9 voltage as it relates to signal strength.
Part F – Commissioning
Link Establishment and BER
Once communications has been established, it is possible to confirm
the performance of the radio path using TVIEW+ Diagnostics and an
E-Series Radio.
Analog RSSI Output Characteristics - M Series Data Radio
-120 -110 -100 -90 -80 -70 -60 -50 -40
Received RF Level (dBm)
User Port RSSl (DC Volts)