User's Manual

162 Document Number: 0100SM1401 Issue: 12-16
Part J – Firmware Updating and Maintenance
Firmware Updating
Schneider Electric work towards providing enhancements and improvements to the firmware for the Q data radios. It is
recommended that you keep the Q data radios up to date with the latest firmware releases.
The following instructions can be used to upgrade firmware in any Q Data Radio.
Using a standard web browser you can connect to a Q data radio and inspect the current firmware version which is displayed on
the home page of the Web User Interface.
For new firmware updates which may be beneficial to your system, check the Schneider Electric web site:
To access the Trio radio section of the website, browse to: Products -> Automation and Control -> Telemetry and Remote
SCADA Systems.
Download the firmware pack from the website and store it on your PC or in a location on your computer network which can be
accessed during the firmware update process.
Firmware updates can be performed on a unit connected locally to the PC or remotely via an operational radio link. For a local
upgrade, it is recommended that all other cabling to the unit be disconnected prior to commencing the firmware update to
minimise any interruption to the process or disturbances of signals on cables still connected.
For remote upgrades, it is advised to use the global firmware update tool.
The firmware update process is two part. First, the firmware is transferred from the PC to the Q data radio alternate firmware
image via the HTML browser. This is called “uploading and unpacking” the firmware. This typically takes several minutes. The
second process involves the user activating the alternate firmware pack, which causes the radio to swap current firmware
with the alternate, and re-boot. This typically takes between 5 to 6 minutes, depending on how much firmware needs to be
Firmware is distributed inside a ZIP file that contains a full firmware image as well as patch files. Patch files contain only
the differential set of changes based between two specific firmware versions, hence they are smaller and take less time to
transmit over the air than a full firmware file.
Full firmware images should be applied when locally firmware upgrading the radio. Patch files are designed for use with the
global firmware upgrade software tool (see below), which automatically inspects the target radios current firmware version
and chooses the correct patch file to send. Patch files can also be loaded manually via the firmware upgrade page in the web
browser, however the correct patch file needs to be manually selected.
Both full and patch file methods only apply changes to the alternate firmware pack. Once the changes are applied, a separate
user initiated process will activate the alternate firmware pack. This activation can be done both via the web page interface
and via the global firmware upgrade software tool.
Part J – Firmware Updating and Maintenance