User's Manual

102 Document Number: 0100SM1401 Issue: 10-14
SNMP - Notifications
Customisations can be made on which SNMP alarms will be detected, along with the user alarm limits which will trigger an
alarm state change and can be sent as a notification.
To configure which alarms are to be detected or to configure the limits of a user alarm state change, see the user alarm
management section found within the SNMP page of the Q data radio web user interface. Specifications on alarms which can
be sent as notifications, can be found within the tables below:
Global Alarm Detection Notification
Notification Name notificationGloalAlarmChanged
Notification OID .
Global Alarm Detection Notification Objects
Name OID Position Specific
globalAlarmState . 0 12 Global alarm state
externalSupplyVoltageAlarmState . 1 12 Supply voltage alarm state
temperatureAlarmState . 2 12 Temperature alarm state
rxPllLocked . 3 12 Receiver PLL lock alarm state
txPllLocked . 4 12 Transmit PLL lock alarm state
radioFrequencyErrorState . 5 12 Radio frequency error alarm state
radioTxPowerAlarmState . 6 12 Radio Tx power alarm state
radioVswrAlarmState . 7 12 VSWR alarm state
radioRssiAlarmState . 8 12 Radio RSSI alarm state
Diagnostics Heartbeat Notification
Notification Name notificationDiagnostic
Notification OID .
Diagnostics Heartbeat Notification Objects
Name OID Position Specific
sysName . 0 13 System name
sysLocation . 1 13 System location
serialNumber . 2 13 Radio serial number
modelNumber . 3 13 Radio model number
supplyVoltage . 4 13 Supply voltage value
sysUpTime . 5 13 System up time
globalAlarmState . 6 13 Global alarm state
radioFrequencyError . 7 13 Radio frequency error
temperatureC . 8 13 Temperature value (Celsius)
temperatureF . 9 13 Temperature value (Fahrenheit)
radioRssiValue . 10 13 radio RSSI value
radioForwardPower . 11 13 Radio Tx power value
radioVswr . 12 13 VSWR value
Global Alarm Detection Notification
The global alarm detection notification can be sent when the global alarm state is changed. The global alarm state will change
based on the highest active alarm state (1 Normal state , 2 User alarm state, 3 Critical alarm state) of all of the alarm objects
shown in the table below. When a global alarm detection notification is sent, the notification will include all of the alarm
objects and their alarm states, shown in the table below.
Diagnostics Heartbeat Notification
The diagnostics heartbeat notification does not rely on a change of state in order to send a notification. Instead, the
diagnostics heartbeat will send a notification periodically, based on a time period, specified by the user. in each notification
sent, the values for each of the embedded objects (shown in the table below) will be sent.
Part H – Advanced