User Manual

6. SSH Tunnels and SDT Connector
6.5 Using SDT Connector for Out-of-Band (OOB) Connection to the
SDT Connector can also be set up to connect to the console server (gateway) out-of-band (OOB). OOB access uses an
alternate path for connecting to the gateway to that used for regular data traffic. OOB access is useful when the primary link to
the gateway is unavailable or unreliable.
A gateway’s primary link is typically a broadband Internet connection or Internet connection via LAN or VPN. Secondary out-of-
band connectivity is provided by a dial-up or wireless modem directly attached to the gateway. Out-of-band access enables you
to access the hosts and serial devices on the network, diagnose any connectivity issues, and restore the gateway’s primary
In SDT Connector, OOB access is configured by providing the gateway’s secondary IP address and communicating to the SDT
Connector how to start and stop the OOB connection. Starting an OOB connection may be achieved by initiating a dial-up
connection, or adding an alternate route to the gateway. SDT Connector allows for maximum flexibility is this regard by allowing
you to provide your own scripts or commands for starting and stopping the OOB connection.
To configure SDT Connector for OOB access:
• When adding a new gateway or editing an existing gateway, select the Out Of Band tab.
• Enter the gateway’s secondary OOB IP address (e.g., the accessible IP address used when dialed in directly). You also may
modify the gateway’s SSH port if it is not using the default of 22.
• In Start Command, enter the command or path to a script to start the OOB connection.
o To initiate a pre-configured dial-up connection under Windows, use the following Start Command:
cmd /c start “Starting Out of Band Connection” /wait /min rasdial network_connection login password
where network_connection is the name of the network connection as displayed in Control Panel -> Network Connections,
login is the dial-in username, and password is the dial-in password for the connection.
o To initiate a pre-configured dial-up connection under Linux, use the following Start Command:
pon network_connection
where network_connection is the name of the connection.
• Enter the command or path to a script to stop the OOB connection in Stop Command.
o To stop a pre-configured dial-up connection under Windows, use the following Stop Command:
cmd /c start “Stopping Out of Band Connection” /wait /min rasdial network_connection /disconnect
where network connection is the name of the network connection as displayed in Control Panel -> Network Connections.
o To stop a pre-configured dial-up connection under Linux, use the following Stop Command:
poff network_connection