User Manual

13. Management
The console server has a small number of Manage reports and tools available to both Administrators and Users:
• Access and control authorized devices
• View serial port logs and host logs for those devices
• Use SSH or Web Terminal to access serially attached consoles
• Control power devices (where authorized)
All other management console menu items are available to Administrators only.
13.1 Device Management
Note: The manage devices UI has received substantial updates in firmware version 3.12.
To display managed devices and their grouped serial, network and power connections:
• Select Manage: Devices or click the Manage Devices icon in the top right of the UI.
• Admin-group users are presented with a list of all configured managed devices and their constituent connections. User-group
users only see the managed devices where they have been explicitly permitted access.
• The Status column displays the current status for each related connection (e.g., active users for serial connections and
power status for RPC outlet connections) with links to detailed status.
• The links in the Actions column are used to control the managed device (e.g., connect to a console session or power cycle
– power actions are not performed until the action has been confirmed via pop-up message).
• The Administrator will be presented with a list of all configured managed devices, whereas the User will only see the
managed devices they (or their Group) have been given access privileges for.
• Alternately, select the Serial tab for an ungrouped view of permitted serial port connections for the current user.
• An additional Signals column displays the current state of the serial pins.
Note: To use the Connect: via SSH links, your computer’s operating system must recognize the ssh:/ / URI scheme and have a protocol
handler configured (e.g., an SSH client like SecureCRT).
13.2 Port and Host Logs
Administrators and Users can view and download logs of data transferred to and from connected devices.
• Select Manage: Port Logs and the serial port number to be displayed.
• To display host logs, select Manage: Host Logs and the host to be displayed.
This will display logs stored locally on the console server memory or USB flash memory.