User Manual

3. System Configuration
The Services Access settings can now be set to allow or block access. This specifies which (enabled) services the Administrator
can use over each network interface - to connect to the console server and through the console server to attached serial and
network-connected devices.
• Select the Service Access tab on the System: Services page.
Note: With firmware releases pre-3.5.3, the Service Access tab is found on the System: Firewall page.
• This will display the services currently enabled for the console server’s network interfaces. Depending on the particular
console server model, the interfaces displayed may include:
• Network interface (for the principal Ethernet connection)
• Management LAN / OOB Failover (second Ethernet connections)
• Dial-out/Cellular (V90 and 3G modem)
• Dial-in (internal or external V90 modem)
• VPN (IPsec or Open VPN connection over any network interface)
• Check/uncheck for each network which service access is to be enabled /disabled.