User Manual

15. Advanced Configuration
Per port control command config parameters:
config.ports.portX.ctrlcode.break - Generate BREAK.
config.ports.portX.ctrlcode.portlog - View History.
config.ports.portX.ctrlcode.power - Power menu.
config.ports.portX.ctrlcode.chooser - Connect to port menu.
config.ports.portX.ctrlcode.quit - Exit pmshell. - Show help message.
The pmshell help message is NOT updated with the extra control command keys that may be configured. As an example, to
configure Ctrl+p to open the power menu when using serial port 3, enter the following in the console server’s command shell:
config -s config.ports.port3.ctrlcode.power=16
killall -HUP portmanager
The first command sets the power menu command to listen for Ctrl+p, where decimal 16 is the character code sent when you
press Ctrl+p in the serial port session (see the range of control codes below). The second command (killall -HUP portmanager)
tells portmanager to reload the configuration so the new control code will take effect. Rebooting the device will also work.
There is a script to set serial control codes on a range of ports so that bulk port configuration can be performed more easily.
For example, to set the power menu control code to Ctrl+p (keycode 16) on ports 4 to 10 inclusive, enter the following at the
command line:
/etc/scripts/set-serial-control-codes 4 10 power 16
This sets the power menu control key to Ctrl+p (see the range of control codes below).
Note: If nothing has been configured on a particular serial port in the included range, configuration for that port will be skipped.
Control Codes (Ctrl+a=1 ... Ctrl+z=26):
Ctrl+a = 1
Ctrl+b = 2
Ctrl+c = 3
Ctrl+d = 4
Ctrl+e = 5
Ctrl+f = 6
Ctrl+g = 7
Ctrl+h = 8
Ctrl+i = 9
Ctrl+j = 10
Ctrl+k = 11
Ctrl+l = 12
Ctrl+m = 13
Ctrl+n = 14
Ctrl+o = 15
Ctrl+p = 16
Ctrl+q = 17
Ctrl+r = 18
Ctrl+s = 19
Ctrl+t = 20
Ctrl+u = 21
Ctrl+v = 22
Ctrl+w = 23
Ctrl+x = 24
Ctrl+y = 25
Ctrl+z = 26