User Manual

15. Advanced Configuration
• Enter the Read-Only Community and Read-Write Community. This is required for SNMP v1 & v2c only. The Read-
Only Community field is used to specify the SNMPv1 or SNMPv2c community allowed read-only (GET and GETNEXT) access.
This must be specified in order for both versions to become enabled. The Read-Write Community field is used to specify the
SNMPv1 or SNMPv2c community allowed read-write (GET, GETNEXT and SET) access.
• Configure SNMP v3, if required. SNMP v3 provides secure SNMP operations with USM (User-based Security Model). It
offers various levels of security, including user-based authentication and basic encryption.
o The Engine ID is used to localize the SNMPv3 user. It will automatically generate from a network interface (eth0) hardware
address if left blank, or must be entered as a hex value (e.g., 0x01020304).
o Specify the Security Level:
noauth No authentication or encryption is required. This is the minimum level of security.
auth Authentication is required but encryption is not enforced. An authentication protocol (SHA or MD5) and
password are required.
priv Enforces the use of encryption. This is the highest level of security and requires an encryption protocol (DES or
AES) and password, in addition to the authentication protocol and password.
o Complete the Read Only Username. Enter the read-only security name. This field is mandatory and must be completed
when configuring the console server for SNMPv3.
o For a Security Level of auth, select the Auth. Protocol (SHA or MD5) and the Auth. Password. A password of at least
8 characters is required.
o For a Security Level of priv, select the Privacy Protocol (DES or AES) and the Privacy Password. AES is
recommended, as it provides stronger privacy but requires more intense calculations. A password of at least 8 characters
is required.
• Click Apply.
• Set up serial ports and devices per operational requirements, such as UPS, RPC/PDU and EMD.