User Manual

Tripp Lite command similar to the standard tip or cu, but all serial port access is directed via the portmanager
pmusers Tripp Lite command to query portmanager for active user sessions
portmanager Tripp Lite command that handles all serial port access
portmap DARPA port to RPC program number mapper
pppd Point-to-Point protocol daemon
ps * Report a snapshot of the current processes
pwd * Print name of current/working directory
reboot * Soft reboot
rm * Remove files or directories
rmdir * Remove empty directories
routed Show or manipulate the IP routing table
routed Show or manipulate the IP routing table
routef IP Route tool to flush IPv4 routes
routel IP Route tool to list routes
rtacct Applet printing /proc/net/rt_acct
rtmon RTnetlink listener
scp Secure copy (remote file copy program)
sed * Text stream editor
setmac Sets the MAC address
setserial Sets and reports serial port configuration
sh Shell
showmac Shows MAC address
sleep * Delay for a specified amount of time
smbmnt Helper utility for mounting SMB file systems
smbmount Mount an SMBFS file system
smbumount SMBFS umount for normal users
snmpd SNMP daemon
snmptrap Sends an SNMP notification to a manager
sredird RFC 2217 compliant serial port redirector
ssh OpenSSH SSH client (remote login program)
ssh-keygen Authentication key generation, management and conversion
sshd OpenSSH SSH daemon
stty Change and print terminal line settings
stunnel Universal SSL tunnel
sync * Flush file system buffers
sysctl Configure kernel parameters at runtime
syslogd System logging utility
tar * The tar archiving utility
tc Show traffic control settings
tcpdump Dump traffic on a network
telnetd Telnet protocol server
APPENDIX A: Linux Commands and Source Code