User Manual

4. Serial Port, Host, Device and User Configuration
Options Description
key <file name> Enter the file name and location of the client’s or server’s key.
Each client should have its own certificate and key files.
Note: Ensure each “\” in the directory path is replaced with “\\”.
dh <file name> This is used by the server only.
Enter the path to the key with the Diffie-Hellman parameters.
Nobind “Nobind” is used when clients do not need to bind to a local address or specific local
port number. This is the case in most client configurations.
persist-key This option prevents the reloading of keys across restarts.
persist-tun This option prevents the close and reopen of TUN/TAP devices across restarts.
cipher BF-CBC Blowfish (default)
cipher AES-128-CBC AES
cipher DES-EDE3-CBC Triple-DES
Select a cryptographic cipher. The client and server must use the same settings.
comp-lzo Enable compression on the OpenVPN link. This must be enabled on both the client
and the server.
syslog By default, logs are located in syslog or, if running as a service on Window, in \
Program Files\OpenVPN\log directory.
To initiate the OpenVPN tunnel following the creation of the client/server configuration files:
• Right click on the OpenVPN icon in the Notification Area.
• Select the newly created client or server configuration. For example, B098_client.
• Right click on the OpenVPN icon in the lower-right corner, select the desired client and click Connect.
• The log file will display as the connection is established.