User Manual

Note: By default, the advanced console server supports automatic failure-recovery back to the original state prior to failover (firmware
version 3.1.0 and later). The advanced console server continually pings probe addresses while in original and failover states. The original
state will automatically be set as a priority and reestablished following three successful pings of the probe addresses during failover. The
failover state will be removed once the original state has been re-established.
For earlier firmware that does not support automatic failure-recovery, restore networking to a recovered state by running the following
rm -f /var/run/*-failed-over && config -r ipconfig
If required, you can run a custom bash script when the device fails over. It is possible to use this script to implement automatic failure
recovery, depending on your network setup. The script to create is:
• You can check the connection status by selecting the Cellular panel on the Status: Statistics menu.
o The operational status will change as the cellular modem finds a channel and connects to the network.
o The Failover & Out-of-Band screen will display information relating to a configured Failover/OOB interface and the status
of that connection. The IP address of the Failover / OOB interface will be presented in the Failover & Out-of-Band screen
once the Failover/OOB interface has been triggered.
5.7.3 Cellular Routing
Once you have configured the carrier connection, the cellular modem can be configured to route traffic through the console
server. This requires setting up forwarding and masquerading (refer to 5.8 Firewall and Forwarding).
5. Firewall, Failover and OOB Access