Operating Manual

Looking at Windows
38 GHz SONET OC-3 Operations (9/17/99) - R0.1 1-5
Table 1-1 provides a description of the window components called out in
Figure 1-4 and Figure 1-5.
Table 1-2 describes components you may find in applications that are not
specifically called out in Figure 1-4 or Figure 1-5.
Table 1-1. Window Components
Component Description
Combo Box Text box that enables you to select from a list of
valid values or options. The process to display the
values depends on the GUI. If the field shows a
down arrow, click the arrow to display the list;
otherwise, click in the box to display the list. With
the list displayed, use the scroll bar or click to
select the required value or option.
Exit Button Closes the window and removes it from the screen.
Latch Bar Enables you to hide the tool bar. To redisplay the
toolbar, click the latch bar again.
Maximize Button Enlarges the window to fill your desktop. After
maximizing the window, the button display
changes to show two windows. Click the button
again to return to the original window size.
Minimize Button Reduces the size of the window to an icon on your
Status Bar (Frame window only) Indicates whether alarms are
on or off.
Tab Shows an individual page within a window.
Click a tab to view its page.
Text Field Area in which you type information. Text fields
can be programmed to accept letters, numbers, or a
combination of both.
Title Bar Displays the name of the window.
Tool Bar Contains buttons that enable you to initiate system
processes such as closing a window, saving a
record, and printing.
Table 1-2. Additional Window Components
Component Description
Button Small box that provides a shortcut for a command.
A button can contain an icon and/or text to
represent the shortcut.