Operating Manual

Working with a Windows- based Application
1-6 © 1999 Triton Network Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Display-Only Components
Display-only components appear dimmed or grayed-out. You cannot select
or type information in a display-only component. Components are
display-only when they are not necessary for performing a task or because
they access function that are not available.
Working with Windows
This section describes the basics of using Windows including:
n Moving windows
n Bringing a window forward
n Resizing windows
Moving a Window
You can move windows on your desktop to better accommodate your work
area. To move a window, click the title bar and drag the window to where you
want it to display on your desktop. When the window is positioned
appropriately, release the mouse button.
NOTE: You cannot move a multiple document interface window
outside the boundaries of the WorkSpace window.
Check Box Open box that provides the ability to enable or
disable a function. When a check box is deselected,
no mark displays in it. When it is selected, a check
mark displays in the box.
Icon Pictorial representation of a window, menu, or
system process such as closing a window, saving a
record, or printing. A button can contain an icon to
symbolize a system process.
Save Button Saves information you typed in the window.
Window Pull-Down
Menu Button
(Frame window only) Displays a list of options.
These options enable you to perform actions such
as closing the window, resizing the window, and
minimizing the window.
Table 1-2. Additional Window Components
Component Description