Installation Manual

Table Of Contents
glossary-12 © 1999 Triton Network Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Network Interface Card (NIC)
Interface between physical transmitter layer and modem.
network management
The policies, procedures, and tools that enable an operator to monitor and
manage network elements.
Network Management System (NMS)
Integrated, comprehensive system of equipment used for monitoring and
managing network elements.
Network Operations Center (NOC)
Location at which monitoring and management of a network might take place.
network provisioning
Act of configuring IFU network hardware and software to make the network
See Network Interface Card (NIC).
See Network Management System (NMS).
See Network Operations Center (NOC).
Not REPorting (NREP)
Condition indicated from the Network Monitor which is triggered when more
than 135 seconds elapse without status information being received by the
Network Monitor from a particular IFU.
See Not REPorting (NREP).
Operations, Administration, Maintenance, and Provisioning. Describes a
piece of equipment or personnel required to manage a network.
Optical Carrier level 3. Optical signal designed to receive and transmit
SONET. A pure OC-3 SONET channel carries 155.52 Mbps.