Installation Manual

Table Of Contents
Product Glossary glossary-7
Fresnel zone
A diffraction zone around the line-of-sight path between two points as shown
in the following illustration.
The line of sight, including the Fresnel zone, must be clear of obstructions to
ensure communication between the IFUs.
A network point that aggregates traffic and acts as an entrance to another
gateway site
Network equipment configuration for a location that aggregates customer
traffic in a consecutive point network for access to and from the Internet.
general purpose input (GPI)
The input ports on the IFU provide external control of equipment or detection
of external alarms. Each IFU contains two GPI ports.
See general purpose input (GPI).
A graphical representation of the distribution of a performance parameter.
hop distance
The distance between two communicating IFUs. One objective in network
design is to design link hop distances so that the RF path loss does not exceed
the path loss allowance for the required availability or grade of service.
2 Miles
Fresnel Zone