Installation Instructions

Warnings and Safety Guidelines
© 2001 Triton Network Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. xvii
WAR N IN G : Never touch exposed fiber with any part of your body. Fiber fragments can enter
the skin and are difficult to detect and remove.
Risk of Personal Injury from Electrical Shock
This symbol indicates a risk of personal injury due to an electrical shock.
DANGER – HIGH CURRENT HAZARD: Do not turn on power before reading Triton
Network Systems, Inc.s product documentation. This device has a 48 Vdc (5 amps operating
peak per feed) direct current input.
DANGER HIGH CURRENT HAZARD: Ensure that the 48 Vdc power source is set to the
OFF position before beginning the installation procedures for the Invisible Fiber® unit.
Other Risks of Personal Injury
This symbol indicates a risk of personal injury from a source other than electrical shock, laser
radiation, or radio frequency energy exposure.
WAR N IN G : This Invisible Fiber® unit is designed to permit the connection of the earthed
conductor (ground) from the DC source circuit to the earthing conductor at the Invisible Fiber®
unit. Do not switch or disconnect devices in the earthed circuit conductor between the DC source
and point of connection of the earthing electrode conductor.
CAUTION LIFTING HAZARD: Due to the weight of the Invisible Fiber® unit (up to 50
pounds), Triton Network Systems, Inc. recommends using proper lifting techniques and
equipment. Lifting equipment must be capable of lifting and positioning the Invisible Fiber®
unit in a safe manner.
Risk of Service Interruption
This symbol indicates a risk of service interruption or equipment damage.
CAUTION: Handle the Invisible Fiber® unit with care to avoid equipment damage.
CAUTION: Ensure the outside optical fiber connectors are environmentally protected. Failure
to do so may cause contamination of the fiber surfaces.
CAUTION: The Invisible Fiber® unit contains no owner or user serviceable parts. Opening the
radio unit or tampering with any of its seals voids all warranties.
CAUTION: Prior to installing an Invisible Fiber® unit, the installation site must be surveyed to
assess its appropriateness or adequacy, system requirements, path analysis, signal path, and
power requirements.
CAUTION: DO NOT lift the Invisible Fiber® unit by the attached cables, or, to avoid damaging
the antenna, by the radome (front) cover.
CAUTION: Ensure the mounting bracket and Invisible Fiber® unit are installed properly
according to the instructions in Triton Network Systems, Inc.s product documentation.
CAUTION: Ensure that the 48 Vdc power source is set to the OFF position before attaching
power cables to the Invisible Fiber