Installation Instructions

Site Evaluation
© 2001 Triton Network Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 1-3
The following tasks must be completed prior to performing a site evaluation:
Prepare the initial network design plan by performing the following:
Identify potential buildings by identifying targeted customers
Identify potential links by selecting buildings based on the high probability of line of
Arrange for access with the facility personnel into the buildings, equipment rooms, and
architectural plans to become familiar with the location of all ducts, risers, etc.
Obtain the required site evaluation forms (see Section 1.5, Documenting a Site Evaluation).
1.4 Site Evaluation Process
The following steps must be completed to perform a successful site evaluation. Each step in the
process is detailed in the following subparagraphs:
Ensure RF Safety Compliance
Ensure Compliance With Laws, Regulations, Codes, and Agreements
Establish Line of Sight Between IFUs
Ensure Building Aesthetics
Determine IFU Mounting Requirements
Document Potential Sources of Colocation Interference
Measure the Link Distance
Select the Grounding Location
Determine Fiber Demarcation and Surge Suppression Location (Optional)
Determine Site Equipment Location and Requirements
Determine the Length of Fiber Cable Assemblies
Determine the Length of Power Cables
Confirm Presence of AC Power
Take Site Photographs
Sketch the Site
1.4.1 Ensure RF Safety Compliance
IFUs are tested for RF radiation level exposures in accordance with IEEE standards. Ensure that
appropriate warning signs are properly placed and posted at the equipment site or access entry.
For a complete list of warnings and safety guidelines, refer to Warnings and Safety Guidelines on
page xv.