
June 2004 Isis® Sonar User's Manual, Volume 2 14
Reserved Space
0586 spare5[438] 454 BYTE Unused; all zeros.
†For storage only, not used in any Q-MIPS calculations.
*Set to the value received from navigation system or digital towfish; otherwise
Table A-6. Q-MIPS footer format description
Offset Element Name Bytes
Remarks, Values, Ranges,
Units, Examples, etc.
Date and Time
0000 day 1 BYTE [1...31], day of the month.
0001 month 1 BYTE [1...12], month of the year.
0002 year 1 BYTE [0...99], year within the century.
0003 hour 1 BYTE [0...23], hour of the day, 24-hour
0004 minute 1 BYTE [0...59], minute within the hour.
0005 seconds 1 BYTE [0...59], seconds within the
0006 thousandsSeconds 2 USHORT[0...999], thousandths of
seconds. Time is kept by
Q-MIPS or Isis system clock
which can be synchronized to
the nav system time at each nav
fix (use AB in template).
Magnetometer Readings
0008 magX 4 FLOAT Magnetometer reading on x, y,
and z axes,
0012 magY 4 FLOAT units are not specified, the value
provided by
0016 magZ 4 FLOAT the telemetr
is stored with no
Appendix A: Q-MIPS File Format