
June 2004 Isis® Sonar User's Manual, Volume 2 15
conversion. †*
Ping Number, Ship Speed, Asynchronous Window Offset and Auxiliary
0020 pingNumber 4 USHORTPing number starts at 1 in each
Q-MIPS file, 0 in each Isis file
and is incremented
automatically. Max = 4.29x10
0024 asyncByteOffset 2 USHORTWhen non-zero in Q-MIPS,
indicates the presence of a
unique asynchronous ping being
stored with this ping, when 0
indicates the most recent
asynchronous ping (if any) is
being replicated; not used by Isis
0026 shipSpeed 2 USHORTSpeed of ship in knots multiplied
by 100. *
0028 auxVal1 4 FLOAT
0032 auxVal2 4 FLOAT
0036 auxVal3 4 FLOAT
0040 auxVal5 4 FLOAT
Auxiliary telemetry values, user-
defined; displayed in Isis
Sensors box. †*
Digitizer Parameters
0044 auxAltitude 4 FLOAT Altitude in meters from
subbottom sensor if provided in
nav telemetry (DSP, Isis) or from
bottom detect on array
processor (Q-MIPS).
0048 triggerChannel 2 USHORT[1...4], Channel on which the
sonar trigger is to be detected,
0050 altSource 2 USHORTAltitude source for water column
removal and correction for slant
range, 0: telemetry, 1-4: water
column detection channel, 5:
manual entry by user, set in
QMI_PS.DAT or by user.
0052 waterColumn 4 USHORTNumber of samples in the water
column as determined from
Appendix A: Q-MIPS File Format