
June 2004 Isis® Sonar User's Manual, Volume 2 16
0056 triggerPeriod 4 USHORTNumber of samples in the trigger
period determined from ping to
ping by Q-MIPS.
0060 ch1_signalDivisor 2 USHORTChan 1 signal divisor •100. Set
to 1 for Isis. For Q-MIPS, raw,
signed, 12-bit, digitized sample
is divided by this and truncated
to 8 bits for display. The sign bit
is dropped. The default divisor of
8 fits the 11-bit unsigned value
into an unsigned 8-bit value.
Value of 1 leaves the samples
Towfish Telemetry
0062 telemFishDepth 4 FLOAT Depth of sonar source below sea
level in meters. *
0066 telemFishHeading 4 FLOAT Magnetic heading of fish in
degrees. *
0070 telemFishPitch 4 FLOAT Fish pitch in degrees, positive
nose up. *
0074 telemFishRoll 4 FLOAT Fish roll in degrees, positive is
defined as starboard down. *
0078 telemFishAlt 4 FLOAT Fish altitude above the sea floor
in meters, from navigation
telemetry or manual entry, takes
precedence over auxAltitude. In
Isis this is the tracked altitude. *
0082 telemSbotAlt 4 FLOAT Subbottom sensor altitude above
the sea floor in meters. Not used
by Isis. *
0086 telemSpeedLog 4 FLOAT Vehicle speed in meters per
second from electromotive
impeller speed log. †*
0090 soundVelocity 2 USHORTOne-way sound velocity
multiplied by 30. Not used by
Isis. †*
Appendix A: Q-MIPS File Format