
June 2004 Isis® Sonar User's Manual, Volume 2 20
0162 ch4_delayRange 4 FLOAT Channel delay in meters,
menu in seconds and converted
to meters. Not used in Isis.
0166 ch4_bandWidth 2 USHORT Sonar channel bandwidth in
kHz. Not used in Isis.*
0168 ch4_sampleScheme 2 USHORT [1...5] See ch1_sampleScheme
0170 ch4_rawRange 2 USHORT See ch1_rawRange description.
0172 ch4_initialGain 1 BYTE Initial channel gain. †*
0173 ch4_gain 1 BYTE Channel gain. †*
0174 bearing_to_fish 2 USHORT Bearing to fish in degrees
multiplied by 100.*
0176 ch4_signalDivisor 2 USHORT Signal divisor multiplied by 100,
see under Digitizer Parameters
0178 ch4_correctedRange 2 USHORT See ch1_correctedRange
Nav System Parameters and Additional Fish Telemetry
0180 waterTemperature 2 USHORT CTD water temperature
frequency times 100. †*
0184 eventNumber 4 SHORT Last unique event or contact
number; corresponds to
contacts file in Q-MIPS.
0186 auxVal6 4 FLOAT Auxiliary telemetry value, user-
defined; displayed in Isis
Sensors box. †*
0190 shipLatitude 8 DOUBLE Ship’s latitude in decimal
degrees. †*
Appendix A: Q-MIPS File Format