
June 2004 Isis® Sonar User's Manual, Volume 2
3. Finds the next numeric character. In this case, it’s 9.
4. Assigns 93.535 to p token, or pressure (psia).
5. Searches the input string, starting after 93.535, for an occurrence of
the pattern compass.
6. Finds the next numeric character following the token compass. In
this case, it’s 1.
7. Assigns 173.44 to h token, or heading.
See Table D-2 for rules that apply to this token.
D.3.2.2 Examples of Character Alignment
Given the hypothetical template string:
and the hypothetical input string:
Isis parses the aforementioned sample string by applying the {align=
template as follows:
1. Isis sets the processing point after the third character in the input
string. In this case, the current processing points to the 4 character.
2. Isis assigns 46.35 to the 8 token (pitch).
See Table D-2 for rules that apply to this token.
D.3.3 Performing Math on Template Tokens
You can use any of the four basic mathematical operators with your
template tokens.
+ addition operator: add to next value
- subtraction operator: subtract from next value
* multiplication operator: multiply by next value
/ division operator: divide by next value
You construct an expression according to the following syntax:
Operator is one of the operators cited above.
Appendix D: Serial Interfaces