
June 2004 Isis® Sonar User's Manual, Volume 2
assumed to be in lat/long degrees. This token
overrides this behavior and forces nav back to UTM.
SAVERAW //This causes Isis to save the exact serial string to the
current XTF file before processing in “raw” format.
SHIPPOS //This tells Isis that the position coming in on the
selected com port will be assigned to the ship position
only. This is useful when a navigation system is
sending sensor position on one com port while a GPS
receiver is reporting ship position on another com
f only one nav input is available, do not use {SHIPPOS}.
All NMEA sentences are preceded by six characters. The first three
characters are $XX, where XX is the two-letter code for the source of the
navigation solution. For example:
Isis ignores these first three characters. As many as three more characters
can follow the first three. The next three characters after the first three
characters in each string identify the specific NMEA sentence to follow. All
sentences are comma-delimited and end with *XX, where XX is a
checksum. Isis (and Q-MIPS) support five sentences, shown next:
$PKLA // Serial output from Klein 2000. For further
information on this feature, consult the
manufacturer’s documentation.
$EGTSP // Serial output EG&G DF1000. For further
information on this feature, consult the
manufacturer’s documentation.
Appendix D: Serial Interfaces