
June 2004 Isis® Sonar User's Manual, Volume 2
E.2.2 Print ASCII Report
Target’s Print ASCII Report command gives you a way to save contact
information, in plain text format, of all currently active contacts. The saved
information for all currently selected contacts goes to an ASCII file named
REPORT.TXT in the current working directory.
The information for your contacts are appended to this report each time you
Print ASCII Report. The information is saved on a LIFO (last in, first
out) basis, so that the information for the most recent contact or target
appears as the topmost entry in
REPORT.TXT. After you do Print ASCII
one or more times, you can load REPORT.TXT into a text editor to
view it, modify it, and print it.
REPORT.TXT file can be terse or quite detailed, depending what
parameters you enable or disable in the Print ASCII Report dialog box
(Figure E-4 on page 77). Figure E-3 shows the contents of a typical
Figure E-3. Sample report of contact information from Print ASCII
Note that any lat/lon values appearing in REPORT.TXT reflect the position
of your pointer in the data imagery when you double-clicked to make the
contact image available to Target. To put it another way, the reported
Lat/Lon represents the center of your CON or TGT image (not necessarily
the center of the data imagery from which your contact image was
To save a report for one or more open contacts
1. Either:
Close all open contacts from the Target utility except for the
one(s) whose information you want to append to
Appendix E: Using the Target Utility