Owner Manual

2-16 players
Playing Field: 16 x 26 feet or less depending on the players’ skill level. The playing area should be flat and
preferably on grass.
Game Play Summary: The objective of the game is to knock over the opposing team’s Kubbs using the
throwing dowels. When all of the Kubbs have been knocked over the King must be knocked over in order
to win.
Note: Only underhand throwing is allowed; spinning the dowels like a helicopter blade is not allowed.
Base Kubbs: Kubbs that remain standing in their original position on the baseline are called Base Kubbs.
Field Kubbs: Kubbs that have come into play are called Field Kubbs.
How to play
1. Divide players into two teams of 1 – 8 players each. Players line up behind their team’s baseline.
2. The team’s take turns using the 6 throwing dowels to knock over the opposing team’s Kubbs.
3. Teams are allowed 2 throws at each Kubb. If both throws fail to knock over a Kubb, the opposing team
may place the Kubb wherever they want on their half of the playing area, but no closer to the King
than the length of a corner peg or a throwing dowel.
4. Team A must try to knock over Team B’s Base Kubbs first. If Team A knocks over one or more of Team
B’s Base Kubbs after throwing all of its dowels, Team B must then throw its fallen Kubbs into Team As
half of the playing area. Team A must then stand up the Kubbs where they land in their half of the
playing area. These are called Field Kubbs.
5. Team B then must use their throwing dowels to first knock over the Field Kubbs (the thrown Kubbs) on
Team As side before they can begin throwing at Team A’s Base Kubbs. If Team B does not knock over
all the Field Kubbs during their turn and one or more are left standing on the playing area, Team A’s
players can then move forward and throw from the Kubb that is closest to the center line.
Note: If several Kubbs are to be thrown to the opposing team’s playing area after being knocked down, play-
ers should throw them as close together as possible so that more than one can be knocked down with a
single dowel. Thrown Kubbs cannot be stacked on top of one another.
6. Teams continue to take turns throwing and knocking over Kubbs until one of the teams knocks over all
of the Field Kubbs and Base Kubbs on the opponent’s half of the playing area. This team then needs only
to knock over the King Kubb to win the game. Play continues until one team knocks over the King and wins.