User manual

Description of the lighting programs:
Colour change (standard): Different colours alternating. Colours are held for 5 seconds,
fade time approx. 0.5 seconds.
Colour change (slow fading): As before but hold time is the same as fade time (3 seconds).
Colour change (no hold time): Constant colour change with no hold time.
Tempest: Simulation of a storm and "sheet lightning".
Fireplace: Simulatesare
Colourashes: 3xashesofdifferentcolours,pause,etc.
Sunrise and sunset: Slow brightness / colour change to simulate sunrise / sunset.
User programs 1 & 2: Can be created with the PC software and transmitted to the
controller using the programming adapter; the device is sup-
plied with two example programs saved to these settings.
The "Tempest" and "Fireplace" settings do not allow you to change speeds.