Installation Manual

The Tru-Test Cattle Antenna and Tru-Test Sheep Antenna are part of the Tru-Test XRP EID
Reader System. The Tru-Test XRP EID Reader System
identifies and reads electronic tags on individual animals, allowing for accurate traceability and management of stock.
The Tru-Test Cattle Antenna or Tru-Test Sheep Antenna is connected to a Tru-Test XRP EID Reader which may be connected to a weigh scale
indicator or a PC.
Tru-Test Indicator
Cattle Crush
Tru-Test Load Bars
Cattle Antenna
Tru-Test XRP
EID Reader
This diagram is an example of how the Tru-Test XRP EID Reader System works in practice. Here, a cow has entered a cattle crush. Its EID tag is
sensed by the Tru-Test Cattle Antenna, read by the Tru-Test XRP EID Reader and passed to the Tru-Test Indicator. At the same time, the animal’s
weight is recorded automatically as it stands on the Tru-Test Load Bars beneath the crush.
The antenna’s robust construction materials and design allow it to be fitted to most animal handling systems (e.g. a crush/chute, weigh crate or
drafter) without structural modification.
The animal handling system being used must allow animals to be processed one at a time. Races where animals can run side by side are not
appropriate for use with the XRP EID Reader System. Animal flow must be restricted to a single animal in order to ensure each individual electronic
tag is read accurately during a session.
EID = Electronic Identification. This term is equivalent to RFID = Radio Frequency Identification, in respect of this and similar products.