User Guide

Is it a malfunction of the laser device or of the laser light
In this case, a message is displayed on the screen, con-
taining information on the location of the malfunction and
the steps for eliminating the causes.
Information on how to deal with the messages can be
found in the operating software manual and in the Opera-
tor's manual for your laser device.
Was the malfunction caused by an external component?
Example: "EMERGENCY STOP circuit is not closed."
In this case, a message is displayed on the screen, con-
taining information on the possible causes.
Is it a malfunction of the focusing optics?
Possible causes for malfunctions of the focusing optics
are explained in this chapter (see "Malfunctions, possible
causes and measures", pg. 64).
Is the machining result unsatisfactory?
Possible causes for unsatisfactory machining results are
explained in this chapter (see "Malfunctions, possible
causes and measures", pg. 64).
1.3 Observing messages
Numerous operational values of the focusing optics are con-
stantly monitored. In case an operational value is outside the
permissible range, a message containing information on the
cause of the malfunction and its elimination is displayed on the
The following figure shows an example.
Message (example)
Fig. 6-1
22-50-17-CRen 2020-01
Conduct in case of malfunctions