User Guide

2.2 Requirements
Depending on the machining task, lenses with various focal
lengths are used. The focal length of lens has an effect on
the working distance between lens and workpiece.
the beam diameter and thus the power density at the
machining point.
the depth of focus and consequently on the machining depth
in the workpiece.
The focusing optics can be operated within different wavelength
spectrums. The individual optical components are provided with
adhesive labels that show the permissible wavelength spectrum.
A label with the information "λ= 1030 [930-1080]" means, for
instance, that the focusing optics is set to 1030 nm and can
also be operated between 930 nm and 1080 nm, but that it then
has a different focus position.
Collimation with adhesive label
Fig. 3-8
The wavelength spectrum depends on the laser device to which
the focusing optics are connected.
Focusing optics are used for:
Welding: Welding optics.
Various interactions with the material may arise during welding
applications, depending on the workpiece material:
If the laser beam is strongly reflected by the workpiece, suit-
able measures for cooling the focusing optics have to be
taken (e.g. copper and aluminum alloys).
In case of increased metal deposits on the lens protection,
the focusing optics can be equipped with a crossjet.
Focal lengths
Interaction with the material