User Manual

E----What to do if FRS signal comes while the unit is in FM radio
E1---While listening to FM Radio, and the unit setting is in
auto-to-FRS status (Auto), once a FRS signal come s, the unit will
return the FRS status automatically.
E2---While listening to FM Radio, and the unit setting is in
manual-to-FRS status (Manu), once a FRS signal comes, it will
display the select menu as shown in figure 45. At the same time, it
will send out “beep” sound once and LCD will flash in every 0.5
second. Flashing light will last for 10 seconds in total.
E3---Press the UP/DOWN key to select whether you would like to go
to FRS status or to stay in FM radio status, then press the MODE key
for confirm. (If the key has been locked, the device must be
unlocked first)
-- means return the FRS status
-- means stay on the FM radio station
F---To press the PTT to return the FRS status
---In the FM radio status, whenever you press the PTT key, the
device will go to the FRS status, when you release the PTT key, it
will come back to the FM radio status.
n If the device receive a signal from the other user, it will display
menu as shown in figure 45 automatically, provided the device
is in manual-to-FRS status.
n Or it will return to the FRS status automatically, provided the
device is in auto-to-FRS status.
Figure 45