User's Manual

How to Turn On the Rating Function
Start either the TuneUp Program Deactivator, TuneUp StartUp Manager or TuneUp Uninstall Manager
modules. The Rating function for programs dialog is displayed. Click OK.
If you do not want to make a decision just now, you can click on Decide later. The module is started with-
out the rating function. You can enable the rating function at any time by clicking on Turn on rating func-
tion in the toolbar and this time clicking OK in the dialog that appears.
How to Turn Off the Rating Function
In the toolbar, click Rating function and select Turn off. In the dialog that opens, you can decide whether
you wish to archive your ratings for any subsequent use of the function. The ratings of other users are
deleted from the database on your PC and will have to be downloaded again from the server if you switch
the function back on.
How to Submit a Rating
1. Move the mouse cursor over the Usefulness column. When you rate a program, you must give it at
least one star. A maximum of 5 stars can be awarded.
2. Click on the number of stars that you wish to award the program. So, if you wish to give three stars,
click on the third star.
3. Your rating is automatically saved and transferred to the TuneUp Utilities server.
If you wish to change your rating, you can proceed in exactly the same way as for the initial rating.
TuneUp Utilities Manual 145