User's Manual

10. The TuneUp Utilities Gadget
Another function of TuneUp Utilities is the gadget. This is not supported by Windows XP and is therefore
only available to you with Windows Vista and Windows 7.
The practical gadget can be displayed on the desktop. It keeps you constantly informed
of the status of your computer. You no longer need to start TuneUp Utilities to find out
whether potential for optimization has been identified in the Maintain system, Increase
performance and Fix problems categories. What is more, you can start TuneUp Util-
ities and also turn on Turbo Mode from the gadget.
TuneUp Utilities Gadget - Introduction
Please note that gadgets are not supported in Windows XP, so unfortunately you cannot enjoy this
function unless you have Windows Vista or Windows 7.
What is a Gadget?
Gadgets (or widgets) are small programs that are permanently displayed on the desktop and which provide
the user with up-to-date information.
What is the TuneUp Utilities Gadget for?
The TuneUp Utilities Gadget tells you the status of your computer at all times, without you needing to start
TuneUp Utilities separately. The gadget is integrated in TuneUp Utilities and informs you of the current
status of the three areas of the Status & recommendations category:
Clicking on one of the three buttons in the gadget opens Status & recommendations in the TuneUp Util-
ities Start Center.ξ‚£Here you can address the problems or recommendations directly.
You can update the gadget display at any time using the small refresh button.
Turbo Mode
The TuneUp Utilities Gadget also gives you the option of turning on the TuneUp Turbo Mode.
You can see that the TuneUp Utilities Gadget is a continuously visible source of information on the status
of your computer. In addition it offers practical direct access to the Start Center of TuneUp Utilities.
TuneUp Utilities Manual 146