User's Manual

specifying the same command with a parameter of "0".
Example: ATL [ENTER]
This command causes your modem to lower its speaker volume.
6.3 AT Commands
All default settings are printed in bold text.
A Answer incoming call
A/ Repeat last command. Do not
precede A/ with AT or follow
with ENTER
B0 CCITT mode @ 1200 bps
B1 Bell mode @ 300/1200 bps
D_ 0 - 9, A-D, # and *
L last number redial
P pulse dial
T tone dial
W wait for second dial tone
, pause
@ wait for five seconds of
! flash
; return to Command Mode
after dialing
& wait for AT&T "bong" tone
Dial one of the four stored phone
numbers (n=0-3) in the
modem’s non-volatile memory
E0 Commands echo disabled
E1 Commands echo enabled
+++ Escape Characters - switch
from Data Mode to Command
H0 Modem on-hook (hang up)
H1 Modem off-hook (make busy)
I0 Product code
I1 Checksum code
I2 ROM test
I3 Firmware & device ID
L0 Low speaker volume
Command Function
Command Function
L1 Low speaker volume
L2 Medium speaker volume
L3 High speaker volume
M0 Speaker always off
M1 Speaker on until carrier
M2 Speaker always on
M3 Speaker off during dialing, on
until carrier detected
N0 Connect only at DTE rate
N1 Automatic rate negotiation
O0 Return to Data Mode
O1 Initiate an equalizer retrain and
return to Data Mode
P Pulse dial
Q0 Result codes enabled
Q1 Result codes disabled
Sr? Read S-register r, where r=0-
Sr=n Set S-register r to value n (r=0-
95; n=0-255)
T Tone Dial
V0 Numeric responses
V1 Text responses
W0 Report DTE speed only
W1 Report line speed, error
correction protocol, and DTE
W2 Report DCE speed only
X0 Hayes Smartmodem 300
compatible responses/blind
X1 Same as X0 plus all CONNECT