Quick Start Guide

16 MANCHESTER Series Quick Start Guide 17
EQ STRATEGY: Considerations for consistant frequency response in the soundeld
Flat arrays (minimium inter-element angle between
elements) will have an increase in the mid frequency band
typically between 630 Hz -2kHz
Flat Array
Low Frequencies Mid Frequencies
Boost in Mid Energy
due to physical coupling
Flat Array Frequency Response
High Frequencies
Curved array (inter-element angle used between elements)
will have decrease in the mid frequency band typically
between 630 Hz -2kHz
Curved Array
Low Frequencies Mid Frequencies
Cut in Mid Energy
due to physical de-coupling
Curved Array Frequency Response
High Frequencies
It is recommended that you split the EQ strategy to suit
the mechanical curvature of the array to gain consistant
frequency response.
Example: Here we have a typical J curved array of 8
MV212 elements – as we have 2 MV212 elements per
Lake DSP module, it gives 4 discrete ZONEs that can have
small adjustments in the mid band area that is aected
by the mechanical aiming of the array causing coupling
Using one of the many industry-standard measurement
software systems, reference microphones and sound-cards,
nd the mid range frequency aected, and adjust each zone
for consistant frequency response between zones / sound
Lake software oers integration to many of these software
systems, further information can be found at www.
MS215 and MS218 pre-sets use all-pass lters to
set the initial time alignment (assuming the fronts
of the cabinets are in line) this greatly reduces
For example: If the fronts of the MV212 and MS215
are aligned, then in both pre-sets, the delay should
be set to the default which is0ms.
However, in the real world it is not always possible
to have your own array and your ground stacked
bass aligned in the verticalplane.
1. In the picture to the right, the MS215 subs are
‘forward’ of the MV212 own array. So the MS215
subs need to be delayed.
1. Subs areforward
2. In the picture to the right, the MV212 own
array is now ‘forward’ of the MS215 ground stacked
subs. So the MV212 array needs to bedelayed.
So how do you nd the correct delay time to align
the own array to the ground stackedbass?
Some basic knowledge of delay units can get you
an acceptable result by measuring the distance
between the fronts of the own array and the front
of the ground stacked array. Remember within Lake
software you can choose the delay unit; ms, m,
1 ms (milliseconds) = 0.343 m (meters) =
Further ne-tuning can be done by using one of the
many industry standard measurement software
systems, reference microphones and sound-cards.
Lake software oers integration to many of these
software systems, and further information can be
found at www.labgruppen.com
2. Flown array isforward