Rigging Manual

2.16 MV212 Cabinet Mounting Components
The MV212 cabinet has two retractable mounting links (1) at the top, and an
adjustable rear link (4) that allows setting of the inter-cabinet angle. There are
two corresponding front slots at the bottom, and one at the rear, with securing
pins. These mounting components allow the MV212 cabinets to be connected
together, attached to the MAN-FG y grid, and MS215 subwoofer with a MAN-FG
y grid.
1. Top Mounting Links – These captive mounting links are spring-loaded,
and may be set in the up or down position. The mounting links t into the
bottom slots of a MV212 above, or to a MAN-FG y grid. To set in the up
position, pull out the pin (2) and the link will spring up. Secure in the up
position by reinserting the pin. To retract, pull out the pin, press downwards
on the link, and secure in the down position with the pin (2).
2. Top Pins – Secures the mounting links in the up or down position.
3. Bottom Pins – Secures the cabinet to the top mounting links of another
MV212 or a MAN-FG y grid below it (when ground stacking).
4. Rear Mounting Plate – This captive sliding plate attaches to the rear
mounting point of the cabinet above, or to the MAN-FG y grid. The angle
of the cabinet can be adjusted by connecting the rear pin (5) into one of the
nine dierent holes.
5. Rear Pin – This pin secures the rear mounting plate (4) in position.
The angle of the cabinet can be adjusted by connecting the pin into one of
the nine dierent holes, each marked with the angle.
6. Bottom Rear Pin – This pin connects the top hole of the rear mounting
plate (4) of the cabinet below, or to the rear ground stack plate of the
MAN-FG y grid (when ground stacking).