Owner's manual

ResultsManager User Guide 10
Editing Course Information
The ResultsManager window displays the new course. The participant list has been turned into a
student roster and the names are listed in the left column. A blank total column appears directly next
to the student list.
Next Steps
Add columns and assignments to calculate grades. For more information see Chapter 5: Columns.
Editing Course Information
After a course has been created, it is possible to go back and change the course name and description.
How to edit course information...
1 Click File on the ResultsManager menu bar and select Edit Course Information.
The Course Information window opens.
2 To edit course information, replace the current text with the new text and click OK.
Deleting a Course
Deleting a course will delete all information associated with it, such as rosters and grades.
How to delete a course...
1 Click the right arrow button located under the ResultsManager Toolbar.
The Courses hierarchy is displayed.
2 Right-click on the desired course and select Delete
3 Click the course file path again to close the Courses hierarchy.