Owner's manual

ResultsManager User Guide 14
Editing Student Information in the Roster Editor
How to edit student information in the roster editor...
1 To open the Roster Editor click File on the Results Manager menu bar and select Edit Roster.
2 To edit student information already in the roster, select the cell that contains the information to be
edited and enter the new text.
3 For further editing options click the Participants button in the bottom left corner of the window:
Add a Participant - Select a row by clicking on the row number in the gray area to the far left. Click
the Participant Menu button and select Add Participant. A blank row is added to the list below the
selected row. Enter the new participant information by typing in the blank boxes.
Remove a Participant(s) - Select a participant by clicking on the row number in the gray area. More
than one participants may be selected by holding down the shift or control key when selecting
participants. Click the Participant Menu button and select Remove Participant(s).
Check to rearrange column order - Click the Participant Menu button and select Check to rearrange
column order. A check mark is placed on the menu. Editing functionality is now limited. While this
option is checked the columns can be rearranged by clicking the field names and dragging them into
the desired order. When the columns have been rearranged, click the Participant Menu button again
and select check to rearrange column order to remove the check mark.
4 Click Update Roster when the editing is complete to save the changes and close the Roster Editor.
Information from a spreadsheet can also be copied
and pasted into the Roster Editor.Student
information can be sorted, but the new sort order is
not saved with the Roster.